What does GDPR mean for users and customers?

What does GDPR mean for users and customers?

You might have found yourself surrounded with loads of articles talking about how important GDPR is and how it will change the way things are working today, but let’s be honest, it is a bunch of boring data that nobody reads, so let us make it easier and understandable for you.
Why is GDPR happening?
Not that long ago, we were more aware of how our data was being collected by companies, as we were the ones providing the data, filling up a form for example. Nowadays, due to the technologies, we are being tracked without us being conscious about it. It is like when we go to Amazon and it is already showing us the prices of paint brushes, because we have checked a video on Youtube on how to paint flowers.
Companies know things about us that we didn’t tell them, so the GDPR is trying to make us aware of who has got our information and what are they intending to do with it.
So, what is GDPR?
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. Its objective is to improve the knowledge of how a company is using your data and to give you the power to control it, even to erase it if you please.
Basically, a company must be able to inform you in an easy and clear way of:
1.       What information are they getting from you.
2.       Who is getting it.
3.       How is it collected.
4.       Why do they need to collect this information.
5.       How are they going to use your information.
6.       If they will be sharing your information with other companies or individuals.
7.       What will other parties do with your information.
The companies will have up to one month to provide this information to you, if they fail to do so they will be breaking the law.
You can understand now why the GDPR is having a big impact on companies. They might need to employ more people and adapt system in order to be able to provide this information to the customers and users.
More control for you
After the information has been provided, customers and users will have the right to decide what to do with their information. You might request to be completely erased from the system or you might proceed as it is, it will be up to you and the company must comply as you say.
Have you ever received a call of someone selling something to you and they know your address and name but you didn’t give it to them? Now it is the time to get them back and claim your right to know where they got all your information from and even demand them to delete it completely.

So we can clean our data from unrequested companies and at the same time it will be easier for us to trust reliable companies, which are using our data to improve and make easier our interaction. 


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